Last week, I had
an unexpected opportunity to learn a bit about the geometric perils of reality
as an aging (and not always fully attentive) being. And also, in retrospect,
about personal privilege in this physically fraught world.
My first lesson in physics
came one evening in the early hours of an ice storm—an event so uncommon in
Colorado that I found instant common ground with other Colorado natives in our
shared sense of displacement: In Colorado? An ice storm? On the evening in question, I was
crossing a street, doing my best to walk carefully—short steps, feet apart,
arms free for balance—when I nonetheless slipped on the slanted road surface
and landed hard on my kiester, glasses flying off backward into the street.
Actually, my experience wasn’t of “slipping.” I was upright, and then I wasn’t.
No struggle to regain my balance, no precarious moment when I thought I might
be able to fall “correctly.” I was standing and then, without pause, I wasn’t. Two
men stopped their respective trucks to hop out and hoist me back to my feet,
then help me to the curb—a gesture I both hated and loved.
The fall itself
wasn’t remarkable. I’ve since heard from or about several other people who fell
that night or the next morning. It’s this extra bit, the “senior bonus” that
makes it notable: my very first thought, even as I hit, was “Did I break a
hip?” Then, “Did I break anything?” That instant fear of major injury is, at
least for me, unique to my aging years. Partly, it’s about osteoporosis, the
bugaboo of old women. But mostly, it’s about the many stories of broken hips leading
to long, slow trajectories of healing or decline, as one problem yields to
another in a body that’s, quite understandably, less resilient than it used to
I was lucky, as
I’ve been with previous falls (although I have to say, those were less teeth rattling
than this one). I was fine. I had a brief headache, and every joint in one arm
felt sore. But I was fine in a day or two. I was lucky. This time.
Later that day, I took a wonderful hike in the snow with a friend, my wounded and bandaged middle digit carefully protected in a surgical glove.
And when I actually
did get hurt the next day (OK, in a minor way), I didn’t have to think twice
about going to urgent care or about receiving the preferred treatment because of
the cost. I didn’t hesitate to accept a digital block, which let me watch the stitching
procedure without feeling it. And I welcomed the plastic finger-tip splint that
I’m now wearing, without even asking what I’d be charged for it.
I came away from it
all feeling really lucky that none of it was serious. And also really
privileged that I never once had to second guess whether I could pay for
whatever care I needed.
Amazing what you
can learn from a fall and a finger pinch.
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Janis Bohan, 2010-2017. Use of this content is welcome with attribution and a
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